
My family and myself in the garden (2004)
The sculpture "Doppelgott IV" was created 2002 by the sculptor Jürgen Waxweiler and resides since 2003 in our garden.
It's great that you found the way to our page.
I am 63 years old and a psychoanalyst in my own practice. My wife Gabriele is also a psychoanalyst. We have three children: Anna 12 y., Philipp 16 y. and Nikolaus 19 y. old.
As a hobby-genealogist I intend to establish a forum for Waxweiler families throughout the world to become acquainted and/or reacquainted with each other, after their connections and the common origin have been "forgotten" or lost for centuries and also for family researchers, who are interested in the Waxweiler and related names.
In this Waxweiler homepage you will find
my introduction
about our family history (in work!)
a bibliography of the scientific and other publications from Waxweiler authors and from other (non Waxweiler) authors about the Waxweiler family
a short introduction of village of Waxweiler, where our name is derived from
a table of (non Waxweiler) names and related dates, facts, places and events from the southern Eifel/Trier/Luxembourg region, that can be gleaned from the many Waxweiler family documents dating back to 1683 (in work!)
links to other interesting resources (in work!)
the possibility to email me or to write your comments to the visitors' book.
Besides this homepage there are some more planned genealogical projects.
I am going to write a family history book. The data of the first published family history "Fragments généalogiques Familles Waxweiler originaires de l'Eifel" by Camille Perbal (1986) will be implemented.
All family documents (f.i. marriage contracts {the first is dated 1792}, all sorts of notary acts, court acts etc.) are to be photocopied, if necessary translated into German and transscribed into machine writing. All documents will be scanned and saved on CD too. Altogether there are 1000-1500 mostly handwritten papers dated between 1683 and ca. 1930.
On the basis of these documents I intend to write articles to be published in suitable periodicals. One idea is the presentation of Waxweiler as a miller family in the region Ardennes-Eifel-Luxembourg. Another theme could be to discuss the cultural, social, psychological and historical changements in time in the context of the Waxweiler families as they were represented in the documents. I already have gathered more than 2500 Waxweiler and Waxweiler descendants covering more than four centuries. For family members I will make an ancestor list if they wish me so. Please ask!
Also there will be a flamish language (dedicated to a part of the Belgian family members) version in this homepage in future.
If you have any questions and suggestions please write ( or write into the visitors' book!
Dr. Richard Waxweiler
Winzerstrasse 20 A
13593 Berlin